
Try Bradbury's DANDELION WINE. It's a magical evocation of the summer he was 12 years old in Waugegan Illinois. In the book, his name is Douglas Spaulding and he lives in Greentown, Illinois. He used that town again in his excellent SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES. I taught Dandelion Wine at one point,and put up a big piece of oak tag. As we read the book, the kids created a pictorial map of the town. They loved doing it. Another author you might try is a British novelist named John Wyndham (sci-fi mostly) Two of his most famous books are THE MIDWICH CUCKOOS and THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS. Enjoy!!

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Ray Bradbury is about the best litmus test I have for whether or not I'm going to vibe with another human being. If you can pick up what ol' Uncle Ray has to throw down, then we can hang, no problem. If you can't or don't want to, well, we can still hang but please understand that we're just different people.

Loved that story, Sandy. It's great finding more of your own out there in the wild. I think that for a lot of us, that's a rare occurrence.

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Brother James, that's about the nicest set of comments I ever had. Thank you and thank Ray. One of my favorite Ray stories (not in the DANDELION WINE mode) is "Usher II." Have you read it? It's all about book banning (one of Ray's - and my - bugaboos). Unlike his classic FARENHEIT 451, the story is set on Mars where someone who adores the kind of books (all imaginative literature) that are being burned, decides to get revenge using elements from those very book. - I'm writing this with a big smile on my face.

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I’ve not read that one but now I have to track it down! Thanks for the recco!

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Aside from Martian Chronicles, Farenheit 451 (the only two Ray Bradbury I've read plus some short stories), what do you recommend? You mentioned one the other week, I've now forgotten...I read and absolutely loved the first three Dune installments, and then I could read no further.

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